The Sweet Lime is a lime with practically no acidity. They start off green but then turn yellow- often getting them confused for lemons. Similar to the sweet lemon they can be eaten right off the tree without causing any puckering. They also are known to soothe many illnesses, such as throat infections, nausea, and fevers. This is because it is high in vitamin C and dietary fiber.

The Sweet Lime is a lime with practically no acidity. They start off green but then turn yellow- often getting them confused for lemons. They're similar to sweet lemons in terms of acidity and can be used as a substitute for a lime if you don't want the tartness of a lime. Similar to the sweet lemon they can be eaten right off the tree without causing any puckering. They also are known to soothe many illnesses, such as throat infections, nausea, and fevers. This is because it is high in vitamin C and dietary fiber.

  • Care and Planting:

    We suggest watering once a week, deep and thoroughly. Make sure to build a basin about a foot from the trunk (or further depending on the tree size) This will act as a birm to catch the water, ensuring the entirity of the trees roots are getting water to them and its draining deep enough down.


  • Retail Price (5 gal):: $29.00
  • Retail Price (15 gal): $72.00
  • Cultivar Type: $230.00
  • Chill Hours: Degrees

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